She was approximately 15.5 pounds and almost 27 inches. That's approximate because we used the "weigh Mommy alone and then weigh Mommy holding the baby to see the difference" method, and the "lay the baby on her checkered rug and see how many blocks long she is" method. We have started her on rice cereal, just once a day for now. She'll take a few bites, but gets frustrated quickly. Her first attempt was pretty messy...
We tried it in the high chair too, which seemed to work a little better.
She is doing a lot better on becoming mobile, too. She still can't sit on her own without either supporting herself with her hands or toppling over, but she has gotten pretty good at lunging forward by bracing her feet on the ground while she's on her tummy. She spins around pretty well too.
She's also just about done with her swing. Not only because her feet are almost hanging off the end, but she's figured out how to sit herself up in it...
And yes, that's one of her Christmas outfits still. I guess that was the only clean one-piece she had left that day. Now that she's been reaching for stuff, she likes to hold Miller's hand. He likes to lick her, but it irritates her skin, so we don't let him do it too much. When she sees him coming, she shuts her eyes and smiles because she knows it tickles! She has also recently gotten in the habit of just sitting and watching him and laughing her head off at him. She'll just sit there and stare at him and giggle even if he's not doing anything.
Sadie got her first owie on Monday, too. She was sitting on the floor at daycare and she toppled over and hit her head on the linoleum. She had a little bump, and then it bruised up yesterday. It's pretty small, and more yellow than blue. She's a pretty tough girl, so it didn't seem to bother her too much. She was probably just more scared than anything else.