Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Catching Up

I haven't been taking too many pictures lately, but since my last post Sadie turned 10 months old and then 11 months old.  We had our family reunion in early August, but I didn't take any pictures myself.  I just have to bum them off my family!  Sadie also attended her very first Heritage picnic, but we didn't take any pictures there either.  Usually not much exciting happens there!
Sometimes Dad takes her on bike rides, but I don't think she's quite into it yet...
She really enjoys "reading"...
And her puppy.
Now that she's a little older we let her sleep with her bunny.  She loves her babies!
Sadie is now a pro at walking too.  She started about 3 weeks ago and she just motors around the house now.  She is also figuring out how to get down the stairs on her own.