Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sadie Tattoos

This past Sunday Kevin and I went to get our tattoos for Sadie.  We went to the guy that has done all the rest of Kevin's work, so we had to drive down to Oshkosh.  We weren't really planning on getting them done right away, so we had brought Sadie with us.  We had to take turns anyway, so we just took turns watching her, and she was such a good girl!  Kevin got his on his foot-
The bird doesn't really mean anything special, it just goes along with the theme of the rest of his body.  She has blue eyes like Sadie, and is wearing a crown because Sadie means Princess.
The crown has a sapphire in it, which is her birthstone, and has her date of birth in the three tips.  Mine is on my lower back-
The one in the middle means Sister, which I've had for a while.  Stefanie and I went together and got matching sister tattoos.  I added the symbol for Daughter on the left and Mother on the right, and then entwined them with the letter S, because my mom is Sandy, my sister is Stefanie, and my daughter is Sadie. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Splishing and Splashing

Today Sadie did two new things, both in the water!  It was over 80 degrees today, and I had the day off, so we decided to try out our new pool!  Sadie and I both got our swimsuits on and slathered on the sunscreen.  We both had brim hats on too- no sunburns here!  Sadie sat on the grass while I blew up the pool, and she didn't mind it at all.  No invisible fence for her!  I used the hose to fill up the pool, and the water was FREEZING!  I actually got a bucket of hot water from inside the house to mix in just to warm it up.  It took Sadie a little bit to get used to the water.  She'd let her toe drop down, and then as soon as she felt the water she'd pull her leg back up.  We had her little bucket with us which helped distract her a little, and once she got used to it, she sat OK in the water.  She really only got her legs and butt wet though.
It was hard to get good pictures of her since I was in the pool with her, and she kept trying to get the camera!  Then when we came in, she was all sunscreened and sweated up, so she took her first bath in the big tub without the infant tub.  I don't have any idea if it's early or late for her to start using the big tub, but it was much easier to really scrub her good.  She seemed to enjoy it!
Of course, she's such a mover, that she just wanted to stand the whole time!  At least it was easy to clean her butt. :)

Eight Months Old

My baby girl turned 8 months old this past Saturday!  We weighed/measured her at home and got 19 pounds and 27 inches.  Not sure on the height... at her appointment 6 weeks ago they measured her at 28 inches, and I really don't think she's shrinking.  It must be because the lay her down and we're standing her up?  Unfortunately we both worked Saturday, so we didn't get a chance to take pictures until right before bed, and somebody was not very happy about it.
She has been learning so many new things, and it's finally decent weather so we can do more with her!  She has got her crawling down pat, she's like greased lightning if you let her roam free.  She still has not learned, however, that sometimes the shortest route is not always the fastest...
Or for some reason, she just really likes playing with the kitchen chairs.
She can play pretty well by herself now.  She will just go right to her toys and start taking things out of the basket. 
She likes to play with Miller, too.  She doesn't know the difference yet between her toys and his.  Or their food... she managed to get a piece of his food in her mouth today before I could get to her.  Yuck! 
Of course, clean up is eay when it works the other way around, and Miller eats her food.
Another new favorite thing to do is to make movie piles.  She'll take them out, and then when she gets bored with them, I'll put them back, but as soon as she sees me doing that, then she'll just start over again.
This is how we found her the other morning when she woke up...
And this is how we usually find her sleeping...
She is growing up so much!  She is such a happy baby, and she's finally getting a decent head of hair, although it's so light you can't really see it in pictures.  She is such a cutie!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I wanna move!

Sadie is almost 8 months old now.  Since she turned 7 months, she has been on the go!
She is crawling like a pro now, and just goes right over anything that's in her way.
We need to keep a close eye on her with all the stairs in our house.
She's also really working on standing, she pulls herself up on everything!
She really poops herself out, she's a really good, and cute, sleeper!  Even if I lay her on her back, she flips right over to her tummy.  She likes to stick her butt up in the air, I guess it must be comfortable!