Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring is Here

 Spring is finally here, let the fun begin!
Sadie needed to try on her hat and share ice cream with Daddy
We brought out the play house and got to use it for a few days...

Then it got cold again.
Once the snow melted, we had our own little pond.

And it was already Easter!

There were a couple days that were warm enough for spring pajamas- I can't believe how much her hair has grown in the past few months!

Then it was chilly again for the March for Babies, but we braved the weather and Team Festival had a great time!

Spring means summer is just around the corner, and in only about 4 weeks Sadie will be spending a lot of time with Aunt Steffie.  We needed to get another car seat for her to use, and of course the best part about that is getting to play in the box!

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