I can't even believe it's already been one month! Sadie turned one month this past Thursday, the same day Dominic turned 16! This picture didn't turn out great. That's supposed to be a tiara on her head since she is a princess, but it doesn't really look like one. She also wasn't thrilled about it, so she's kind of half asleep still.

Here's our four-generation picture from my dad's side. We still have to get one with mom and grandma. I was hoping to do that when everyone comes to visit from Minnesota in a few weeks. Maybe we can get both sets of daughters/granddaughters/great-grand-daughters together since Barb, Renee, and Jocelyn will all be there too.

Again, I don't know why this came out sideways. But Miller is pretty comfortable with her now. Still not sure what she is, but doesn't mind snuggling right up with her.

Isn't she cute?!

This was my birthday (the 12th). Thankfully none of it stuck!

She loves snuggling. She will fall asleep on our chests before anywhere else. This is how I usually have to let her fall asleep at night, and then attempt to lay her down without waking her.

Both my babies...

This is in her play pen. Play yard? Pack n' play? I don't know, it's still a play pen to me. She likes to just chill in there, but she doesn't sleep in it. It's next to our front window, and she seems to like the brightness outside.

Another preferred sleeping position is on her side. And she loves her boppy! I found her this morning in her crib on her side like this too. Too bad you have to put them to sleep on their backs - the only position that she doesn't seem to like.

She's become more fussy in the past few weeks. I don't think it's that bad, but Kevin says she's way worse than his boys were. The doctor gave us some samples of a different formula to try, so we'll see if that helps. At least even if it doesn't get better, it should only last a couple months. She's been spitting up quite a bit too, which makes it really hard for her to get to sleep at night. So now we've elevated her crib mattress so gravity can help keep her formula in her tummy. Last night was the first night we tried it. I laid her down on the raised side the last time we got up during the night, and this morning she had squirmed all the way down to the other side. I guess she just likes to do her own thing! I'm just really hoping for a somewhat routine sleep schedule by next week when I go back to work. I don't mind getting up with her in the night as long as I know she'll fall back to sleep right away.