Sunday, November 15, 2009

Two Months Old

(Today's post by Sadie Kox)
I'm such a good eater, I finished my whole bottle!Look at how proud of me Dad is!
Here I am in one of my favorite spots - my changing table.

Mom is so silly, I stuck my tongue out at her!Where's my bottle?
I'm two months old today! I'm ready for my kiss!I can't believe I'm two months old already! Seems like just yesterday I was in Mommy's belly! I'm really getting good at holding my head up and responding to lights and music. I can almost roll over on to my belly, but I can't figure out yet how to get past my arm. Sometimes I can sleep through the night, like last night when I slept from 1030-6. That's because I spent the day with Grandma yesterday, and everybody came to visit and kept me awake! That made Mommy happy because it was the first night in several that I didn't wake her up at 330am! I go to the doctor on Thursday, I can't wait to see how much I weigh!

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