Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween and Great-Grandma's Birthday Weekend

Here's my little sweet pea in her peapod!

I had to work on Halloween, but Dad was on vacation, so he brought her down to my store for her very first Boo Fest!

Miller was a banana, but he didn't get to go anywhere. We just dressed him up for fun.
Barb and Brad, Renee and Jocelyn, and George and Peggy all came to Neenah for Grandma's birthday. This is the monkey that Barb made for Sadie.
Sadie must be able to tell Renee is a mommy too, she fell right asleep on her!
Sadie and great-uncle George
Sadie and great-aunt Peggy
Sadie and cousin Bob
We finally got our four-generation pictures!

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