Wednesday, June 3, 2009

26 weeks

Belly today at 26 weeks...
This Monday will be the 2/3 mark - I can't believe I only have 3 months to go! We signed up for a birthing class at the hospital, but the earliest time we could go was August, only a month before I'm due. We also still have to work on finding a pediatrician and day care. We got Dominic moved down to the basement, so the baby's room is currently empty. I cleaned, and Kevin's going to paint, and we're going to go buy our crib and changing table this weekend. My current baby is due for a haircut this weekend also... it's a little hard to see, but this is the mohawk Kevin gave him the other day.
His hair is so thick and grows so fast, just the opposite of mine. I'm jealous of my dog's hair... how sad is that??

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